C (51/301)

From:Dirk Harlaar
Date:28 Aug 99 at 08:38:20
Subject:Re: Amiga Guru Book

From: Dirk Harlaar <D.Harlaar@ping.de>

Hello Andrew

On 28-aug-99, you wrote:

>>> I have the book in rtf format or most of it. I haven't really
>>> checked to see whether it is complete as I lack a decent rtf
>>> viewer.
>> I wouldn't mind converting this book to html or amigaguide format.
>> If there is demand for it, and I could get hold of such an rtf
>> version (or any other version for that matter).

> I would be great if something like this could be done. atm, it's very
> hard to find any developer information on AmigaDOS.

Well, if someone could give me a source for the rtf version as mentioned
above, I'll try and clear the copyright question, and convert the thing to
AmigaGuide and/or html, and upload it on Aminet or something.
